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What Is Chicory Coffee And Why Is It Popular In New Orleans?

Are you searching for a coffee-like alternative to your regular morning brew? If you answered yes, then chicory coffee may be just what you need. Chicory is similar to ground coffee. It is made from the roasted and ground roots of the chicory plant, contains no caffeine and tastes similar to regular coffee.

In this article, we’ll delve into what chicory coffee is, its origins in world history, and its surprising health benefits

Key Takeaways

  • Chicory coffee is made from the roasted and brewed root of the chicory plant, offering a unique and flavorful alternative to traditional coffee.
  • It originated as a substitute for coffee during periods of shortage, such as in World War II and the American Civil War.
  • It is closely associated with New Orleans cafés and has become a beloved beverage choice in the city’s café culture.
  • Health benefits of chicory coffee include providing several key nutrients, improving digestive health, potentially lowering blood sugar levels, decreasing inflammation, and being naturally caffeine-free.

What is Chicory Coffee?

Chicory coffee is crafted from the root of the plant, scientifically known as Chicorium Intybus. This unique beverage begins its journey as a large-rooted, blue-flowered plant and is part of the dandelion family.

The roots are then harvested and put through a meticulous process of roasting and grinding to create a substance that mimics traditional roast coffee grounds. Finally, these roasted ground roots are brewed into a distinctive beverage with an earthy, nutty flavor that has won over palates worldwide.

As it contains no caffeine, it serves as an excellent natural alternative for those who wish for a break from their regular caffeinated drink or desire something different yet equally satisfying.

Chicory is a blue flower that is part of the dandelion family

History of Chicory

Chicory coffee has a fascinating history, originating during a time of coffee shortages. When coffee supplies were scarce, people turned to chicory root as an alternative. This happened during various periods throughout history, including World War II and the American Civil War.

The rich flavor and dark color of roasted and ground chicory root made it an ideal substitute for traditional coffee beans. Today, the drink is closely associated with New Orleans coffee scene and remains a popular choice for those seeking a drink that tastes similar to coffee without the caffeine content.

Connection To New Orleans Cafés

New Orleans is known for its vibrant café culture, and one of the drinks closely associated with this iconic city is chicory coffee. This unique beverage has a rich history that dates back to a time when there was a shortage of coffee during the Civil War.

To stretch their supply, New Orleans residents started adding roasted and ground chicory root to their coffee, creating a bold and flavorful drink that became synonymous with the city’s cafés.

Today, chicory is a new New Orleans staple and can be found on coffee shop menus throughout the city.

Health Benefits of Chicory Coffee

Chicory coffee provides several health benefits. Here’s just a few:

  • Packed with healthy nutrients
  • May improve digestive health
  • Could lower blood sugar
  • May decrease inflammation
  • Chicory contains lower caffeine content

Packed With Nutrients

Chicory coffee is not only a delicious alternative to regular coffee, but it also provides several key nutrients that can benefit your health. Each cup contains important vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy bones, regulating blood pressure, and supporting your overall well-being. Additionally, chicory root contains dietary fiber that can improve gut health by aiding in digestion and preventing constipation.

With its natural sweetness and woody, nutty flavor profile, it is not just a tasty treat but also a nutritious addition to your daily routine.

May Improve Digestive Health

Chicory coffee comes from the root of the plant. Chicory root is a good source of inulin, a type of dietary fiber that acts as a prebiotic.

Prebiotics serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut, promoting overall gut health and aiding digestion. Additionally, chicory coffee’s natural anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce digestive inflammation and discomfort.

By incorporating this drink into your routine, you can enjoy the rich taste of chicory while potentially supporting better digestive well-being.

Could lower blood sugar

Chicory may also lower blood sugar levels. This natural alternative to regular coffee may be a great choice for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar.

Studies suggest that compounds found in chicory root can help improve insulin sensitivity and regulate glucose metabolism. By consuming chicory instead of coffee, you may enjoy the rich flavors while potentially enjoying these additional health benefits.

May decrease inflammation

Another benefit of chicory products is their potential to decrease inflammation in the body.

The chicory root is known to contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. By incorporating chicory coffee into your daily routine, you can enjoy a coffee-like taste while potentially experiencing relief from inflammation-related issues such as joint pain or digestive problems.

Naturally caffeine-free

Chicory is a naturally caffeine free alternative to regular coffee. This means that you can enjoy the rich, robust flavor of chicory without worrying about any jitters or sleep disturbances caused by caffeine.

So, if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious alternative to traditional coffee, chicory coffee is definitely worth trying. Its unique flavor profile, described as slightly earthy and nutty, makes it a delightful addition to your morning routine.

Whether enjoyed on its own or mixed with regular coffee for added depth and complexity, chicory offers a caffeine-free alternative to coffee that still satisfies your love for the rich taste of a good cup of joe.

How to Make Chicory Coffee

To make chicory coffee, start by roasting the chicory root until it turns dark and fragrant. Then, grind the roasted root into a fine powder. Finally, brew the ground chicory in hot water using a French press or any other preferred method.

chicory root with coffee
Chicory can be combined with regular coffee or drank on it’s own

You can enjoy the slightly earthy and nutty flavor of this coffee alternative on its own or mixed with regular coffee.

Roasting, grinding, and brewing the chicory root

Once roasted, the root is ground into a fine powder before being brewed like regular coffee. This brewing process allows the rich flavors of the chicory to infuse into the water, resulting in a smooth and aromatic coffee substitute.

The drink can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with regular coffee for a more complex flavor profile. 

Flavor profile described as slightly earthy and nutty

Chicory coffee offers a flavor profile that is often described as slightly earthy and nutty, making it a unique alternative to traditional coffee. The roasted chicory root gives this beverage its distinct taste, which can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with regular coffee for added depth.

With its natural caffeine free properties, chicory provides a healthy option with the flavor of coffee that  is perfect for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake without sacrificing the enjoyment of a good cup of joe.

Can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with coffee

Chicory is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with regular coffee. On its own, it offers a unique flavor profile that is slightly earthy and nutty and is somewhat similar to dark roast coffee.

It can also be blended with regular ground coffee to create a rich and balanced brew. Whether you prefer the taste of chicory alone or want to enhance your coffee experience, this caffeine free alternative provides a delicious option for all coffee lovers.

A Great Choice With Low Caffeine Content 

In conclusion, chicory coffee is a unique and flavorful alternative to traditional coffee. Made from roasted and brewed chicory root, it originated during a coffee shortage and has remained closely associated with New Orleans cafés.

With its earthy and nutty flavor profile, as well as its potential health benefits, it is a great alternative to drinks that contain caffeine and is both delicious and invigorating. So why not give this rich type of coffee a try?.


What is special about chicory coffee?

Chicory coffee is special because it offers a unique flavor profile that is distinct from regular coffee. Known for its earthy and slightly bitter taste, it is often enjoyed as a caffeine free alternative or as a way to enhance the flavor of traditional coffee. 

Is chicory coffee good for you?

Chicory coffee is good for you and has several health benefits. It is a good source of inulin, a type of dietary fiber that can support digestive health. Additionally, chicory root contains antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and improve liver health. 

How does chicory coffee taste?

Chicory coffee has a distinct taste that is often described as nutty, slightly bitter, and earthy. It offers a rich flavor similar to coffee but without the acidity. Some people find it to be an acquired taste, while others enjoy its unique and smooth profile. 

What are the cons of chicory coffee?

Cons of chicory coffee include its strong and bitter taste, which may not be appealing to some people. It also lacks the natural caffeine found in regular coffee, making it less effective as a stimulant. Additionally, excessive consumption of chicory may lead to digestive issues such as bloating or gas due to its high fiber content.

Is chicory coffee stronger than regular coffee?

Chicory coffee is not stronger than regular coffee in terms of caffeine content. However, it does have a unique flavor that some people find more intense than regular coffee. Additionally, chicory coffee has a slightly bitter taste, which can give the perception of it being stronger. 

Is it safe to drink chicory coffee every day?

 Chicory coffee is generally safe to drink every day, but moderation is key. It contains high amounts of inulin, a soluble fiber that can cause digestive issues in large quantities. Additionally, excessive intake may lead to an upset stomach or a drop in blood sugar levels.

Who should not use chicory?

People who are allergic to ragweed or dandelion should not use chicory as it belongs to the same family of plants and can potentially trigger an allergic reaction. Additionally, individuals with IBS, gallstones or kidney stones should consult their healthcare provider before consuming chicory. 

Why do people put chicory in their coffee?

People put chicory in their coffee for several reasons. Firstly, chicory has a rich, earthy flavor that complements the bitterness of coffee, creating a unique taste profile. Additionally, chicory i believed to have health benefits, such as aiding digestion and improving liver function. 


Coffee expert and industry insider, I’ve dedicated years to mastering the art and science of coffee making. From scrutinizing particle fineness to evaluating burr shapes, I delve into the minutiae that elevate coffee from good to exceptional. Whether it’s a complex pour-over or a robust espresso, my insights cater to those who don’t just drink coffee, but experience it.

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