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Espresso Drinks – A Big List of Delicious Espresso Beverages to Try

Welcome to the delightful world of espresso drinks, where flavor combinations and unique brewing methods await your taste buds. From traditional favorites like cappuccinos and lattes, to the exotic Vietnamese egg coffee, exploring these exceptional beverages is an adventure for both novice and seasoned coffee enthusiasts alike.

With at least 16 different types of espresso drinks created by skilled baristas around the globe, this comprehensive guide will not only make you a more informed consumer, but might even inspire you to create your own masterpiece at home.

Key Takeaways

  • Espresso originated in Italy in the early 20th century and is made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure.
  • Popular types of espresso drinks include espresso shots, Americanos, cappuccinos, lattes, and mochas. Each type has a unique ratio of espresso to milk and can be customized with flavors or alternative milks.
  • Unique espresso beverages from around the world offer a taste adventure. Examples include Spanish Cortado, Italian Marocchino, and Cuban Cafe con Leche.
  • Preparing the perfect espresso shot requires skill and attention to detail. Baristas must adjust variables such as grind size, water temperature, extraction time, and tamping to ensure optimal flavor extraction.

Understanding Espresso: Origins And Preparation

Espresso, which originated in Italy in the early 20th century, is made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure.

The History Of Espresso

The history of espresso can be traced back to the early 20th century when new innovations in coffee making led to a more concentrated and flavorful extraction process. The invention of the espresso machine, specifically Luigi Bezzera’s creation in 1901, revolutionized how people enjoyed their coffee by producing a smaller portion with a much bolder taste.

As espresso gained prominence, it inspired an array of drinks and variations that catered to diverse tastes and preferences. Many attribute Italy as playing a major role in further developing these unique concoctions, from classic beverages like cappuccino and latte to more specialized offerings such as ristretto and cortado.

How Espresso Is Made

To make a perfect espresso shot, the finely ground coffee beans are tightly packed into a metal portafilter. The portafilter is then locked onto the group head of an espresso machine where hot water is forced through the grounds under high pressure and extracted in 20-30 seconds.

The quality of espresso depends on various factors such as coarseness and humidity level of the coffee beans, temperature and pressure of water used during extraction, and maintenance of equipment by skilled baristas.

The Art Of Perfecting Espresso Shots

Preparing the perfect espresso shot requires skill and attention to detail. Baristas spend years perfecting their craft, adjusting variables such as grind size, water temperature, and extraction time to create a smooth and flavorful shot of espresso.

To achieve the best results, baristas must also use quality beans that are freshly roasted and ground immediately before brewing.

One common mistake when making espresso shots is using too much or too little pressure during extraction. This can result in an uneven distribution of water through the coffee grounds which affects the taste.

Another important factor is tamping – applying pressure evenly to compact the coffee grounds ensures that hot water flows evenly through them for optimal extraction.

Popular Espresso Drinks

Some of the most popular types of espresso drinks include the classic Espresso Shot, an Americano – hot water added to espresso, frothy Cappuccino, creamy Latte, and rich Mocha.

Espresso Shot

Espresso shots are the foundation for most espresso-based drinks. These concentrated and rich shots are made by forcing hot water through finely ground, compacted coffee beans under high pressure.

Espresso shots can be enjoyed alone or used as a base for other drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas. The flavor profile of an espresso shot can vary depending on factors such as the type of bean used, grind size, water temperature, and extraction time.

Some people prefer their espresso with no added flavors or milk while others enjoy it sweetened with syrups or topped with whipped cream.


The Americano is a classic espresso-based drink that originated during World War II when American soldiers in Italy diluted their espressos with hot water to mimic the taste of drip coffee.

Today, it remains a popular choice for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor but still want the strength and caffeine content of an espresso shot.

To make an Americano, simply pour hot water into a shot of espresso, adjusting the amount of water to your taste preference. This drink can be customized with flavored syrups or milk alternatives like almond or soy milk.


Macchiato is an espresso-based drink that typically includes a small amount of foamed milk on top. The term “macchiato” means “stained” or “spotted,” indicating the small amount of milk added to the coffee.

There are several different types of macchiatos, including Espresso Macchiato and Latte Macchiato. Espresso Macchiato consists of a single shot of espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on top, while Latte Macchiato features steamed milk poured over a double shot of espresso, with just a touch of foam on top.

Macchiatos are popular for their strong espresso base combined with just enough milk to add depth and complexity to the flavor profile.


Cappuccino is one of the most well-known espresso drinks and consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. The drink originated in Italy and has become a staple in coffee shops worldwide.

Cappuccinos can be customized by altering the amount of foam or adding flavored syrups like vanilla or caramel. For those looking for a lighter version, non-dairy alternatives like almond or oat milk can be used instead of traditional dairy milk.


Latte, short for caffe latte, is a popular espresso-based drink that originated in Italy. It consists of one or more shots of espresso and steamed milk, typically topped with a layer of frothed milk.

In the United States, a typical latte contains two shots of espresso and about 10-12 ounces of steamed milk. However, in Europe, particularly in Italy, lattes are usually smaller with only one shot of espresso.

You can also customize your latte by adding flavors such as vanilla or caramel syrup or requesting a non-dairy alternative like almond or soy milk instead of regular dairy milk.


Mocha, also known as a Mochaccino, is a beloved espresso drink that combines the rich taste of chocolate with the bold flavor of espresso. To prepare this delectable beverage, an espresso shot is mixed with steamed milk and chocolate syrup or powder.

Coffee lovers who enjoy the combination of sweet and savory flavors will appreciate the distinct taste of mocha. This tasty treat is perfect for those who want to satisfy their sweet tooth while getting their caffeine fix at the same time.

With its popularity worldwide, you can easily find a variation in different countries; in Spain, it’s called ‘Cafe Moca’, In Italy ‘Mocaccino’ and in England ‘cafe mocha’.

Exploring Unique Espresso Beverages Worldwide

This section will take you on a taste adventure as we explore unique espresso beverages from around the world. From the rich and creamy Cuban Cafe con Leche to the sweet and spicy Italian Marocchino, there’s no shortage of delicious coffee creations to discover.

Spanish Cortado

A Spanish Cortado is a unique espresso drink that originated in Spain. It’s a relatively simple drink – just espresso with a small amount of steamed milk added to it, creating a smooth and silky texture.

While similar to other milk-based drinks, the key difference with a Cortado is its balance between coffee and milk.

The name “Cortado” means “cut” in Spanish, which refers to how the espresso shot is “cut” or diluted by just enough steamed milk. This allows for an enjoyable drinking experience without masking the bold flavors of the espresso.

Typically served in a small glass, this rich coffee beverage makes for an indulgent treat any time of day.

Italian Marocchino

Italian Marocchino is a unique espresso drink that originated in Turin, Italy. It is made by combining a shot of espresso with cocoa powder and milk foam, creating a layered effect in the small glass it’s served in.

This delicious beverage has gained popularity outside Italy due to its appealing presentation and balanced taste. Its distinct chocolatey flavor is due to the use of cocoa powder instead of syrup or flavored coffee beans.

Cuban Cafe Con Leche

Cuban Cafe con Leche is a delicious espresso-based drink that originated from Cuba. It’s made by mixing equal parts of strong Cuban coffee with steamed milk and served in a small glass.

To make your own Cuban Cafe con Leche at home, you’ll need finely ground Cuban coffee beans, whole milk, and sugar to taste. Start by brewing the coffee using either an espresso machine or stovetop Moka pot.

Next, heat up the milk until it’s hot but not boiling and froth it using a handheld frother or whisk.

Overall, the rich flavors of coffee combined with creamy-sweetened steamed milk make this drink perfect for those who love their morning cup of joe but crave something with a little extra oomph.

Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional form of serving espresso and has been enjoyed for hundreds of years. This style is popular amongst those who love a strong caffeine hit with rich aromas that linger in the air.

The preparation method involves boiling finely ground coffee beans, sugar, and water together in a cezve (special Turkish pot).

Not only is Turkish coffee unique in its preparation method, but it also holds cultural significance as well. In Turkey, drinking coffee typically occurs after dinner where friends gather around to socialize while sipping on their steaming cups.

This ritual symbolizes community and friendship, making it more than just another way to get your caffeine fix.

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

One unique espresso beverage that has recently gained popularity is Vietnamese Egg Coffee. This rich and creamy drink consists of a layer of whisked egg yolk, condensed milk, and sugar on top of a freshly brewed shot of espresso.

The ingredients are mixed together to create a frothy texture that resembles a dessert more than the typical coffee drink.

Vietnamese Egg Coffee has an interesting history behind it as well – it was created in Hanoi during the 1940s when dairy products were scarce due to war time rationing. A local barista had the idea to use whisked eggs as a substitute for milk, resulting in this delicious concoction that quickly became popular among locals and tourists alike.

Customizing Espresso Drinks

You can transform your espresso drink with syrups, milk alternatives, and flavor add-ins to create a unique experience every time.

Syrups And Sweeteners

Customizing your espresso drink with syrups and sweeteners can add a personal touch to your beverage. Commonly used syrups include vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and cinnamon. These flavors can be added directly to the espresso shot or mixed into milk for a latte or cappuccino.

However, it’s important to note that adding too much sweetness can overpower the flavor of the espresso. It’s recommended to start with small amounts and adjust based on personal preference.

Additionally, some coffee shops may offer sugar alternatives like stevia or monk a healthier option for those watching their sugar intake.

Milk Alternatives

For those who prefer a non-dairy option, there are plenty of milk alternatives available for espresso drinks. Soy milk is a popular choice due to its creamy texture and ability to froth well.

Almond milk and coconut milk are also gaining popularity because of their nutty flavors that complement the rich taste of espresso. Oat milk is another great alternative known for its smooth texture and mild sweetness, making it a perfect match with bold coffee flavors.

It’s worth noting that different types of non-dairy milk may react differently when steamed or frothed, affecting the overall texture and consistency of your drink. For example, some types may foam better than others, so it’s best to experiment with each kind if you’re looking for the ideal substitute for dairy-based beverages.

Flavor Add-Ins

Flavor add-ins are a great way to customize your espresso drinks. From sweet syrups to spicy toppings, there are numerous flavor options available that can enhance the taste of your coffee.

Some popular syrup flavors include vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and peppermint. These syrups can be added to any type of espresso drink for an extra boost of sweetness or flavor.

If you prefer a more savory flavor profile, consider adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to your latte or cappuccino foam.

Experimenting with different flavor combinations is part of the fun when it comes to customizing espresso drinks.

Alternative Brewing Methods

If you’re looking to switch up your espresso game, trying out alternative brewing methods is definitely worth considering. Brewing methods like the Aeropress, French press and Moka pot can offer slightly different flavors and textures to traditional shots of espresso.

The Aeropress offers a smoother finish with more body while the French press produces a rich mouthfeel that’s often favored by coffee enthusiasts.

Using alternative brewing methods allows for experimentation with not only flavor profiles but also with variables such as water temperature, grind size, and dose which ultimately leads to unique tasting experiences in every cup.

Choosing The Perfect Espresso Drink

Consider your caffeine and taste preferences as well as the occasion and time of day when selecting an espresso drink, and don’t be afraid to customize with sweeteners, milk alternatives, flavors, or alternative brewing methods.

Caffeine Preferences

When it comes to choosing the perfect espresso drink, caffeine preferences play a significant role. For those who crave an extra caffeine kick, opting for a shot of espresso straight up or in a simple Americano may be the way to go.

But for those who prefer less intensity but still want some caffeine, options like lattes and cappuccinos can provide the right balance.

It’s also worth noting that the amount of caffeine in different types of espresso drinks varies depending on factors such as brewing method and serving size.

For instance, Ristretto shots are made using less water than traditional Espresso shots resulting in a more concentrated dose of caffeine despite being smaller in quantity.

Taste Preferences

Everyone has their unique taste preferences when it comes to coffee drinks, and choosing the perfect espresso beverage can be a daunting task. For those who prefer a more robust flavor profile, an Espresso shot or Ristretto may satisfy their craving for strong coffee without any added milk.

For those seeking something sweeter, Mocha is a classic choice with chocolate syrup mixed with espresso and steamed milk creating that decadent chocolaty flavor.

Adding syrups such as vanilla, caramel or hazelnut can also provide some sweetness along with the desired taste you’re craving for in your coffee.

Time Of Day And Occasion

Choosing the perfect espresso drink can be determined by more than just taste preferences. The time of day and occasion also play a significant role in selecting the right beverage.

For example, a latte or cappuccino is perfect for enjoying during breakfast or brunch, while an espresso shot may be preferred as an afternoon pick-me-up.

Additionally, certain occasions may call for specific types of espresso drinks. For instance, if you are meeting up with friends at a cozy cafe atmosphere to catch up on gossip and have some laughs over coffee, then ordering something like Latte Macchiato will suit your mood perfectly well.

Conclusion: Savoring The World Of Espresso

Now that you know about the different types of espresso drinks, it’s time to venture out and try them for yourself! From classic cappuccinos to exotic Turkish coffees, there is a world of flavors waiting to be explored.

Don’t be afraid to customize your order with flavored syrups, alternative milks, or unique add-ins. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or just dipping your toes into the delicious world of espresso, understanding the various brewing methods and drink variations can help you make informed choices and fully appreciate this beloved beverage.


A latte has more milk than a cappuccino, with steamed milk making up the majority of the drink’s volume rather than foam. Cappuccinos have equal parts espresso, steamed milk and foam.

An Americano is made by adding hot water to espresso shots until it reaches the strength you desire. This dilutes the strong espresso flavor and makes for a larger drink.

A macchiato contains two shots of espresso with just a small dollop of frothed milk on top, creating a bolder flavored drink compared to other coffee options.

It ultimately depends on your personal taste preferences and how much caffeine you want in your beverage. If you prefer stronger tastes with less dairy, an americano or ristretto shot may be for you, while those who enjoy sweeter drinks can opt for lattes or mochas with added syrup flavors. Don’t hesitate to ask baristas about their recommendations if unsure – they are happy to help!


Coffee expert and industry insider, I’ve dedicated years to mastering the art and science of coffee making. From scrutinizing particle fineness to evaluating burr shapes, I delve into the minutiae that elevate coffee from good to exceptional. Whether it’s a complex pour-over or a robust espresso, my insights cater to those who don’t just drink coffee, but experience it.

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